Photo of two professors researching in a chemistry lab.


十大博彩推荐排名州立 earns prestigious Carnegie Classification as a 研究型博士院校

十大博彩推荐排名州立 was recently designated as a 研究型博士院校 by the national Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, one of the most widely recognized and prestigious classifications in the United States.

排名, by enhancing the 大学’s ability to attract and establish productive industry and academic partnerships, should lead to expanded opportunities for undergraduate and graduate student involvement and participation in hands-on learning programs and leading edge research initiatives.

The new designation affirms 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s leadership in cutting-edge research projects funded by federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, 美国国立卫生研究院, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the U.S. Department of Education, and recognizes its recent growth in doctoral level education and research.

十大博彩推荐排名州立 has been successfully expanding its research activities in important fields,” says 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 President Susan A. 科尔. “This new designation reflects the efforts of our distinguished faculty and the programs they have created that both challenge students and address the issues facing society today.”


目前, a number of College of Science and Mathematics faculty have received strong federal grant support for their leading-edge research projects. 它们包括:

  • Sokol Professor of Chemistry David Rotella, who is helping the United States fight bioterrorism with the support of a $2.5 million, five-year contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. 与政府机构合作, pharmaceutical companies and other scientists, he is working to develop inhibitors of the botulinum toxin, 一种潜在的生物恐怖武器.
  • Mathematical Sciences Professor Eric Forgoston, who has received a three-year National Science Foundation award to develop computer models of fluid flows and mathematical models of control to determine how best to position the robotic ocean vehicles that are indispensable aids to coastal mapping, 环境监测, harbor security and oil field surveying efforts.
  • Department of Earth and Environmental Studies Professor and Chair Stefanie Brachfeld, who directs the PhD program in Environmental Management. Thanks to a National Science Foundation Antarctic Earth Sciences award, she is working with international collaborators on a three-year research project to improve understanding of the Antarctic ice sheet’s response to warming climates.


Even before receiving the 研究型博士院校 classification, 十大博彩推荐排名州立 had established a solid reputation as a research hub. College of Education and Human Services faculty members who have received substantial funding for their projects include:

  • 詹妮弗Goeke, the 大学’s Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program coordinator, is in the final year of a five-year project, “Restructuring Preservice Preparation for Innovative Special Education,,得到了1美元的支持.4 million in funding from the United States Department of Education. She has been working to redesign part of the MAT program to prepare middle and secondary school math and science teachers to teach in inclusive classrooms – and increase STEM achievement for all students, 包括残疾人士.
  • Professor of Educational Leadership Katrina Bulkley recently received a $1 million grant from the Spencer Foundation to study the effectiveness of the portfolio management approach currently used to govern some urban school districts in Los Angeles, 新奥尔良和丹佛.

Funded research projects such as these benefit faculty and students alike. “Extramural funding recognizes high-quality faculty research ideas and offers students the opportunity to contribute to the investigation of these ideas,罗特拉解释道. “These research projects can not only lead to valuable discoveries, but they can also lead to the next generation of research scientists.”

According to 科尔, the new ranking is an affirmation of the 大学’s successfully plotted growth. 在过去的15年里, the 大学 has worked strategically and aggressively to grow enrollment, 教员和设施,她指出. “This growth has enabled us to expand educational programs and research initiatives in service to the state and the nation.“今天, the 大学 offers students more than 300 baccalaureate, 硕士和博士学位课程.